Profil PT Adetex
Established in 1973, Adetex is a group of multi-product textile company located in Bandung, West Java, and Solo, Central Java. As the first company to pioneer polyester georgette production in Indonesia, we have since then continued growing, manufacturing a vast range of textile products, from yarn to garments, cotton to polyester. Perfecting the quality of our product is our main focus. Respectively, the development of our human resources is therefore regarded as top priority. We implement the 5K program, Keselamatan, Kedisiplinan, Kebersihan, Ketertiban, and Kesopanan, as our code of conduct to ensure safety, discipline, cleanliness, orderliness, and manner among all our personnel. Today, we thrive in the global market to provide high quality products to our customers worldwide. We aim for total customer satisfaction and we are committed to do so through continuous improvements and innovations. Going forward, we will grow stronger and better as a global-reaching, internationally recognized company.

Website | |
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Alamat Perusahaan | |
Jl. Dayang Sumbi No. 4-6, Bandung, Jawa Barat 40132 | |
Sektor Industri | Direktur |
Manufaktur ·Kimia | Wewey Tjahjadi Wanadihardja |