PT Waagner Biro Indonesia

PT Waagner Biro Indonesia


Ikuti 3.8
Berakhir 15 Mar 09.00 ~ 2017.04.15 24:00 Dipublikasi 21 Maret 2017

Lowongan Kerja HR & Admin Manager

  • HR Management
  • Staff/Admin
  • Kota Jakarta Selatan
  • Experienced
  • Full-Time

Primary Responsibility

To oversee all aspects of the Company’s human resources, develop and implement HR practices, processes, strategies and initiatives aligned with the overall business strategy of the Company. Support current and future business needs through correct engagement, on-boarding, training and development, motivation, performance management, discipline and preservation of the human asset of the Company. To maintain all legal affairs and documentations of the Company up to date. Recruitment: • Manage the recruitment process• Develop and update job descriptions, objectives, responsibilities and personnel specifications• Perform job/task analysis to accurately document job requirements and objectives• Prepare and post attractive advertisement in job boards/newspapers/colleges/universities etc.• Source and attract the highest talent by yourself learning the essence of the company’s business, its mission and culture and project a magnetic image of the company to the professional community as (the best place to work)• Maintain an up-to-date database of potential candidates• Screen candidates job applications, resumes and references and accurately assess their experience, knowledge, skills, soft-skills and aptitudes to the corresponding job descriptions On Boarding: • Develop individual strategies to quickly on-board new employees in order that they become fully integrated as soon as possible. Monitor and ensure by heart enforcement that all department managers, heads and supervisors do all that is necessary to welcome and make new employees productive and at ease in their new positions• Develop and implement a 3-month probation system performance evaluation system to ensure that department managers, heads and supervisors develop a mindful awareness of the performance of new employees in the first three months of employment Performance Evaluation: • Implement a company’s performance management system which will enable people to evaluate their performance annually and provide a proper people development process in order to achieve the company objective.• In close and face-to-face discussions with all department managers, heads and supervisors establish, oversee and manage a performance appraisal system that drives high performance Training and Development: • Discuss, assess, plan, apply and monitor training programs Enforcement of Discipline, Health and Safety Consciousness: • Enforce company regulations and policies and administer disciplinary measures rigorously, timely and fairly• Establish, promote and maintain high standards of health, cleanliness and safety in the work place• Build a solid culture of savings on HR costs by promoting initiative, high productivity, discipline and efficient systems• Promote ethical business practices and compliance to the highest standards• Avoid conflicts of interest and any activities related to HR that may result in personal gain or gratuities from any party whomsoever• Supervise the company operations and ensure that the company is always operating according to Indonesian’s, Waagner Biro Group’s and internal company regulations and policies• Foster and impose attendance discipline• Foster and impose a professionally casual dress code Contractual Matters: • Prepare, review and monitor employment contracts• Work together with department and section managers to continuously update job descriptions, responsibilities and KPI• Ensure total and constant legal compliance with manpower/employee regulations Salaries and Payments: • Oversee and administer calculations for salaries, bonuses, wage increases, benefits and compensations timely and to the strictest regulations• Implement and utilize various data based methods and techniques to make decisions on direct salary increases, bonus awards and other financial and non-financial decisions• Conduct ongoing research and audits to identify and anticipate manpower trends and issues and to provide regular reports to management Promote Goodwill: • Directly address demands, grievances and other issues by fairly managing employer-employee relations according to the company regulations• Foster a positive working environment by proactively addressing potential or developing issues HR issues Reporting: • Report to management and provide decisive advise, decisions and support to management
ADMINISTRATION MANAGER RESPONSIBILITIES: • Continuously conduct research, undergo training, communicate with related authorities and professional affiliations to keep yourself abreast of emerging trends, changes to regulations and practices• Organize, manage and update the company’s legal documents.• Manage all aspects of the legal status of the company in Indonesia by maintaining all certificates, licenses and permits up to date• Monitor inventory of office and workshop stationary supplies and the purchasing of new materials with attention to budgetary constraints• Monitor office, travelling, car, petty cash expenses both in head office and workshop in order to reduce costs and assist in budget preparation• Monitor utility services costs such as electricity, telephones, mobile phones, water, etc. in order to reduce costs and assist in budget preparation• Manage all company expatriate visas and work permits• Manage all company business trip arrangement and project assignments including but not limited to valid passport, business visas, work permits, invitation letter, insurances, transportation, accommodations• Manage all company non-commercial and non-HR contracts such as office and house rentals• Foster and impose a clean and paperless working environment free of visual pollution• Control and organize the activity of drivers (route, maintenance of car, claiming expenses)• Arrange and prepare the administration matters related to the personnel (employment contract, confirmation letter, reminder letter, Internal Memo) and Authorities.• Develop and implement in cooperation with all department managers an annual calendar of events and reporting deadlines including software tools to remind and follow up compliance



  • • Ideally a Bachelor degree or Diploma in Human Resources and Administration from a well know educational institution• A minimum of 10 years working experience as a Human Resources and Administration Manager in a company that employs both white collar and large numbers of blue collar (manufacturing) employees• Excellent communication skills in English and Bahasa Indonesia• Good knowledge and experience with ERP systems (preferably SAP) for HR• Computer literacy using Microsoft Window Software (such as MS-Office)• Willingness to travel within Indonesia and abroad as the work requires• Excellent analytical skills• Excellent negotiation skills• Excellent understanding and experience of the full range of industrial relations HR issues• Excellent knowledge of and experience with the full spectrum of company establishment and regulatory authorities and corresponding regulations and documentation• Excellent team management and people skills are essential• Strong character with the ability to strongly and professionally convey and influence HR and Administration decisions of the top management of the Company• Ability to discuss HR and Administration matters at the highest levels with management, customers, production and government authorities• Excellent Organizational skills• Must be able to handle legal discussions with lawyers, consultants, agents, etc.• Initiative and strength of character to take decisive action when urgently needed for the benefit of the company without consultation• Have the ability to evaluate sufficiency and validity of information and act accordingly without being reminded to do so and in this manner always provide management with useful information• Must be able to demonstrate already established relationships in key government departments, ministries, associations, such as but not limited to: DEPNAKER, LPJK, BKPM, GAPENSI, APTEK, KADIN, SUCOFINDO, etc.
  • Informasi lebih lanjut

    Bidang Pekerjaan Status Kepegawaian
    Staff/Admin, HR Management Full-Time
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    Lihat pro dan kontra PT Waagner Biro Indonesia dari 5 review perusahaan, 3 info gaji, 0 kisi-kisi interview langsung dari karyawan dan mantan karyawan. Lihat juga info lowongan dari PT Waagner Biro Indonesia dengan total 0 lowongan.

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    Jumlah Kisi-Kisi Interview


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    Sedikit tips untuk menulis review

    1. 1. Jangan menyalin review atau mengisi dengan asal. Review yang kamu kirimkan akan melewati sistem moderasi Jobplanet.
      Jika review kamu tidak sesuai dengan panduan kami, review kamu akan ditolak dan kamu tidak akan mendapatkan akses ke semua review di Jobplanet.
    2. 2. Tulislah secara obyektif. Seburuk-buruknya tempat kerja kamu, pasti ada sisi baiknya. Begitu pun sebaliknya. Sebaik-baiknya perusahaan, pasti ada hal-hal yang masih dapat diperbaiki. Tulislah pro dan kontra secara berimbang.
    3. 3. Selalu menulis dengan tujuan membantu orang lain. Dengan menempatkan diri sebagai pembaca, yang kamu tulis pasti akan cenderung memberi informasi atau wawasan yang berguna untuk para pembaca.

    Kebijakan pengajuan review

    1. Kami berkomitmen untuk melindungi komunitas kami dari review yang bersifat tidak benar dan dapat mempengaruhi rating dan review kami. Kami menyeleksi setiap review sebelum menampilkannya di situs Jobplanet. Apabila ada laporan terhadap suatu review, kami akan menanggapi masalahnya dan mengambil tindakan yang tepat.
    2. Review ditolak apabila: 1. Informasi tidak relevan dan tidak memberikan wawasan berguna tentang perusahaan 2. Konten memuat pencemaran nama baik atau dugaan tanpa bukti yang ditujukan kepada orang, departemen atau posisi tertentu, dll. 3. Konten memuat pernyataan kasar, istilah-istilah susah dimengerti atau format tidak benar (singkatan atau huruf besar semua) 4. Informasi bersifat rahasia perusahaan 5. Perusahaan tidak ditemukan atau informasi perusahaan yang diberikan tidak akurat
    • "“Perusahaan ini membimbing karyawannya bagaimana untuk menjadi seorang market researcher dengan lingkungan yang membangun dan saling membantu satu sama lain.” "
    • Reviewmu memberikan wawasan dan pengetahuan yang berguna untuk calon karyawan lain.
    • "“Bagus jenjang kariernya bagi pegawai, bergerak di bidang perbankan, menghasilkan tenaga terdidik dan terlatih melalui pendidikan yang diberikan kepada karyawan.” "
    • Satu menit yang kamu sisihkan dapat membantu calon pekerja lain menemukan karier yang tepat.
    • "Adanya tunjangan dan sistem kesejahteraan dalam perjanjian belum tentu Anda akan menerimanya. Tapi informasi yang sensitif seperti sulit didapatkan."
    • Review yang kamu berikan akan membuat calon karyawan dapat mengetahui kondisi dan keadaan tempat kerja sebenarnya.
    • "Andai info ini sudah ada dari dulu! Saya tidak akan terjebak di perusahaan ini selama enam bulan belakangan... setidaknya ada yang bisa menolong saya."
    • Reviewmu akan menolong para Fresh Graduates pencari kerja yang masih memerlukan arahan.

    Mohon dibaca

    Gaji tidak kami terima jika:
    1. 1. Jumlah gaji terlalu jauh dari rata-rata untuk posisi dan pekerjaannya
    2. 2. Nama perusahaan tidak dapat ditemukan
    Bila jenis pekerjaan atau posisi kamu tidak ada dalam daftar yang kami sediakan, mohon untuk memilih yang menurut kamu paling cocok dan mendekati.

    Untuk menjaga kredibilitas info gaji, semua informasi yang masuk akan melalui sistem moderasi Jobplanet terlebih dahulu.

    Hal-hal yang perlu diingat:

    1. 1. Masukkan jumlah gaji dan tunjangan nett yang kamu terima setiap bulan (take-home pay)
    2. 2. Masukkan bonus atau insentif yang kamu terima (jika ada) secara terpisah pada kolom yang disediakan

    Sedikit tips untuk menulis review

    1. 1. Jangan menyalin review atau mengisi dengan asal. Review yang kamu kirimkan akan melewati sistem moderasi Jobplanet. Jika review kamu tidak sesuai dengan panduan kami, review kamu akan ditolak dan kamu tidak akan mendapatkan akses ke semua review di Jobplanet.
    2. 2. Berikan tips berguna untuk yang sedang mencari kerja. Ceritakan pengalaman proses rekrutmen di perusahaanmu dan apa saja yang kamu lalui. Berikan tips atau saran bagi yang akan melewatinya juga.
    3. 3. Selalu menulis dengan tujuan membantu orang lain. Dengan menempatkan diri sebagai pembaca, yang kamu tulis pasti akan cenderung memberi informasi atau wawasan yang berguna untuk para pembaca.

    Kebijakan pengajuan review

    1. Untuk meningkatkan kredibilitas info interview dan mencegah manipulasi terhadap peringkat perusahaan, semua informasi akan melewati sistem moderasi Jobplanet terlebih dahulu.
    2. Review ditolak apabila: 1. Perusahaan tidak ditemukan atau informasi perusahaan yang diberikan tidak akurat 2. Informasi bersifat rahasia perusahaan 3. Konten memuat pernyataan kasar, istilah-istilah susah dimengerti atau format tidak benar (singkatan atau huruf besar semua) 4. Konten memuat pencemaran nama baik atau penghinaan yang ditujukan kepada orang, departemen atau posisi tertentu, dll. 5. Informasi tidak relevan karena tidak memberikan wawasan berguna tentang perusahaan
    • "Awalnya saya hanya mempersiapkan diri untuk pertanyaan interview yang selama ini sudah sering ditanyakan, ternyata banyak pertanyaan interview yang di luar dugaan. Untungnya saya sudah melihat tips dan bocoran interview dari Jobplanet dan saya lulus! Mimpi saya menjadi kenyataan!"
    • Karyawan yang berhasil lolos adalah berkat info interview yang kamu tulis.
    • "Saya telah menyerah dengan perusahaan asing karena interview dalam bahasa Inggris. Namun, bocoran interview di Jobplanet menyebutkan bahwa bagian bahasa Inggris tidak sesulit yang saya bayangkan. Saya bisa interview dengan percaya diri dan sekarang saya bekerja di perusahaan ini."
    • Mengetahui proses interview yang sesungguhnya, berhasil mendapat pekerjaan baru.

    Kebijakan pengajuan review

    1. Untuk meningkatkan kredibilitas info interview dan mencegah manipulasi terhadap peringkat perusahaan, semua informasi akan melewati sistem moderasi Jobplanet terlebih dahulu.
    2. Review ditolak apabila: 1. Perusahaan tidak ditemukan atau informasi perusahaan yang diberikan tidak akurat 2. Informasi bersifat rahasia perusahaan 3. Konten memuat pernyataan kasar, istilah-istilah susah dimengerti atau format tidak benar (singkatan atau huruf besar semua) 4. Konten memuat pencemaran nama baik atau penghinaan yang ditujukan kepada orang, departemen atau posisi tertentu, dll. 5. Informasi tidak relevan karena tidak memberikan wawasan berguna tentang perusahaan
    Selamat Datang Kembali! Temukan perusahaan impian Anda di Jobplanet dan raih karier yang lebih baik!



    PT Waagner Biro Indonesia - HR & Admin Manager

    Lowongan kerja HR & Admin Manager PT Waagner Biro Indonesia untuk wilayah Kota Jakarta Selatan April 2024
    21 Maret 2017
    Kota Jakarta Selatan
    HR Management, Staff/Admin
    • Ideally a Bachelor degree or Diploma in Human Resources and Administration from a well know educational institution• A minimum of 10 years working experience as a Human Resources and Administration Manager in a company that employs both white collar and large numbers of blue collar (manufacturing) employees• Excellent communication skills in English and Bahasa Indonesia• Good knowledge and experience with ERP systems (preferably SAP) for HR• Computer literacy using Microsoft Window Software (such as MS-Office)• Willingness to travel within Indonesia and abroad as the work requires• Excellent analytical skills• Excellent negotiation skills• Excellent understanding and experience of the full range of industrial relations HR issues• Excellent knowledge of and experience with the full spectrum of company establishment and regulatory authorities and corresponding regulations and documentation• Excellent team management and people skills are essential• Strong character with the ability to strongly and professionally convey and influence HR and Administration decisions of the top management of the Company• Ability to discuss HR and Administration matters at the highest levels with management, customers, production and government authorities• Excellent Organizational skills• Must be able to handle legal discussions with lawyers, consultants, agents, etc.• Initiative and strength of character to take decisive action when urgently needed for the benefit of the company without consultation• Have the ability to evaluate sufficiency and validity of information and act accordingly without being reminded to do so and in this manner always provide management with useful information• Must be able to demonstrate already established relationships in key government departments, ministries, associations, such as but not limited to: DEPNAKER, LPJK, BKPM, GAPENSI, APTEK, KADIN, SUCOFINDO, etc.
    Sesuai Peraturan Perusahaan