Profil PT Mulia Knitting Factory
At PT. Mulia Knitting Factory, we have an extraordinary legacy to honor and preserve. Started as a small garment company, PT. Mulia Knitting Factory grew into a textile company within a decade of business operations. Throughout our business years, there were opportunities to pursue, improved performance to achieve, and strategic refinements to implement. However, in an increasingly competitive world, we have also encountered many challenges. For us, these challenges represent positive motivations that not only direct our approach to adjust our operations in response to market condition, but also create a sense of modesty among ourselves.

Website | |
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Alamat Perusahaan | |
Jl. Raya Semanan 7, Kalideres, Jakarta Barat 11850 | |
Sektor Industri | Direktur |
Manufaktur ·Kimia | Henry Supangkat |