Profil PT Mora Telematika Indonesia (Moratelindo)
Moratelindo is a wholesale telecom infrastructure provider established in 2000. We went global by opening an office in Singapore in conjunction with the construction of submarine cable MIC-1 (Moratelindo International Cable-system One) connecting Jakarta-Singapore. In 2010, the Government of Singapore granted a Facilities-Based Operations (FBO) license to Moratel International Pte. Ltd., as a network gateway for international leased line services. In Singapore, Moratelindo also built fiber optic networks and implemented DWDM (Dense Wavelength-division Multiplexing) to instill greater backbone network capacity.

Website | |
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Alamat Perusahaan | |
Grha 9, Jl. Panataran No. 9, Proklamasi, Jakarta Pusat 10320 | |
Sektor Industri | Direktur |
Komputer·IT | - |