Profil PT Hydrocolloid Indonesia
P.T. Hydrocolloid Indonesia was formed by business people with deep experience in food product manufacturing in the region. Our exposure to the carrageenan industry taught us that Indonesia had become the world's leading source of tropical carrageenan seaweeds but there was a shortage of world-class manufacturing capacity able to serve world markets. Consequently most Indonesian seaweed is exported as raw material for processing in other countries.
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Alamat Perusahaan | |
Kaw. Industri Brantamulya Jl. Tengsaw No. 3, Kp. Babakan RT 004/RW 002 Ds. Tarikolot Citeureup - Bogor 16810 | |
Sektor Industri | Direktur |
Manufaktur ·Kimia | - |