Profil PT KMS Telecom
KMS is a dynamic solution oriented company focused in telecommunication industry, offering wide range of services and solution to support telecom carrier and technology provider. KMS was founded and established in 2004 and registered as private limited company in 2006. The company was run by professional people that has been committed to grow telecommunication industry in Indonesia. During this early years of operation, KMS worked with key major OEM in Indonesia in the telecommunication sectors. To date KMS maintain a loyal costumer vase within this sector while growing the wide range of solution. KMS drives its strength from synergy combination of the resources, portfolio business and methodology.

Website | |
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Alamat Perusahaan | |
Graha Arteri Mas Kav. 57 Jl. Arteri Panjang No. 68 Kedoya, Jakarta Barat, DKI Jakarta 11520 | |
Sektor Industri | Direktur |
Komputer·IT | - |