"- The first interview is conducted with HRD.
- After the interview with HRD, there is a 1 working day break followed by a psikotest, focusing on personality.
- After the psikotest, there is a 3 working day break before being contacted that the interview will proceed to the user interview.
- The final interview is with the User.
- The gap between the user interview and the acceptance announcement is 2 weeks."
- Pertanyaan dan Materi Interview
- Interview HRD: asking about personality, life perspectives, work experiences, and knowledge about KG.
- Interview User: asking about life, experiences during college and work, knowledge about KG, and substantial questions about the applied position.
- Saya Menjawab
Responding casually and straightforwardly according to the question.
- Tahapan Perekrutan
Ujian Bakat/Kepribadian, Interview HR, Interview User, Interview Bahasa Inggris
- Waktu Tunggu
- 14 Hari Kemudian
- Hasil Interview
- Pengalaman interview
- Positif