Profil JW Marriott Hotel Medan
Make yourself at home in Medan, Indonesia's first 5-star hotel. With a prime location in the Central Business District and a host of luxury amenities, the JW Marriott Hotel Medan provides a memorable setting for business and leisure travel. Relax and unwind in one of our spacious rooms and suites, and enjoy plush bedding, 24-hour room service, modern technology and terrific views of the Medan skyline. Start your morning with a workout in our fitness centre, or a swim in our outdoor infinity pool. Savor fresh cuisine and delicious drinks at our on-site restaurants, or order 24-hour room service to your hotel accommodation. And be sure to stop by our luxury spa for a day of pampering. We're proud to offer the largest pillarless ballroom in Medan, as well as several more intimate venues for your next meeting or social event. While you're here, enjoy exploring local attractions such as Kesawan Square and Merdeka Walk. Your 5-star escape awaits you here in Indonesia at the JW Marriott Hotel Medan!
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Alamat Perusahaan | |
Jl. Putri Hijau No. 10, Silalas, Medan, Medan 20111 | |
Sektor Industri | Direktur |
Pelayanan | - |